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Accounting, taxation and insurance services

The fulfillment of accounting and tax formalities is a crucial necessity for any company operating internationally, particularly for Italian companies operating in France. Possessing specific expertise in this area is absolutely essential to effectively manage documentation and address any complex issues that may arise. Our accounting and tax services are designed to assist Italian companies in meeting their tax obligations in France, ensuring regulatory compliance and minimizing potential complications.

Acquiring adequate insurance services is a key priority for any Italian company operating in France. Managing insurance coverage requires specific expertise to ensure comprehensive and adequate protection. Our insurance services for Italian businesses in France are designed to offer advice and solutions tailored to your needs. We ensure that your business is protected from potential risks, providing the peace of mind and regulatory compliance necessary to operate successfully in the French market

An in-house team of accounting, tax and insurance experts

With our extensive experience in the accounting, tax and insurance fields, we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise in these areas. This gives us considerable flexibility, enabling us to act promptly and respond quickly to our clients' needs. Our deep expertise in handling accounting, tax and insurance matters enables us to address each challenge with a proactive and personalized approach, ensuring excellent service for our companies.

Completion of accounting and insurance formalities

Skilled assistance in the procedures of:


Insurance risk management

Retirement planning

Advice on international taxation

Corporate insurance

Accounting due diligence


Valuation of company shares

Our experts in this area

Gian Carlo Piras


Accountant in France



With extensive experience in accounting and auditing, I have developed high-level skills in handling complex financial and tax matters. My commitment to ensuring regulatory compliance and accounting accuracy is critical to meeting clients’ needs.

Giuseppe Albanese

Insurance agent


In my work as an insurance agent, I have acquired specialized skills in the field of insurance, with particular attention to international taxation and the proper management of risks and insurance of French subsidiaries . My experience has enabled me to ensure full compliance with national and European regulations in this area, providing my clients with comprehensive insurance coverage that complies with current laws.

Franco Battaglia

Accountant in Italy


With significant experience in tax planning, corporate reorganization and the structuring and execution of M&A transactions by assisting national and multinational groups, OICRs (investment funds, SICAFs and SICAVs), financial intermediaries and asset management companies (SGRs), I deal with domestic, international and financial taxation for Italian-French cross-border transactions. I am a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of major companies operating in the health, real estate, industrial and financial sectors and a Member of the French Chamber of Commerce in Italy.

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